A word about me …

Full disclosure.  I am not a nutritionist.  I am not a pediatrician.  I am not a chef.  I am a full-time working mom who loves food and hopes to pass along an appreciation of all-things-delicious to her kids. 

I am the mom of two boys.  Big is 6-years old, and Little is 4-years old.  And so far, I’ve been lucky.  Both Big and Little are willing to try new things (the most recent adventure was uni topped with a quail egg yolk), love a variety of foods, and enjoy “helping” in the kitchen.  The unbridled delight that shows on their faces when they eat food they truly love is pure joy. 

But, feeding your kids isn’t easy. (Heck … feeding yourself isn’t easy!) It is time-consuming to plan and prep meals.  You might have to account for allergies or very strong food preferences.

Even if you’ve had multiple children, every single child is a unique individual, the things that worked for one often don’t work for another, and we’re all just figuring it out as we go along.

So here is my attempt at sharing some of what I’ve learned when it comes to food. May it help you in your quest to develop your little humans into food aficionados.